46 research outputs found

    Combining feature aggregation and geometric similarity for re-identification of patterned animals

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    Image-based re-identification of animal individuals allows gathering of information such as migration patterns of the animals over time. This, together with large image volumes collected using camera traps and crowdsourcing, opens novel possibilities to study animal populations. For many species, the re-identification can be done by analyzing the permanent fur, feather, or skin patterns that are unique to each individual. In this paper, we address the re-identification by combining two types of pattern similarity metrics: 1) pattern appearance similarity obtained by pattern feature aggregation and 2) geometric pattern similarity obtained by analyzing the geometric consistency of pattern similarities. The proposed combination allows to efficiently utilize both the local and global pattern features, providing a general re-identification approach that can be applied to a wide variety of different pattern types. In the experimental part of the work, we demonstrate that the method achieves promising re-identification accuracies for Saimaa ringed seals and whale sharks.Comment: Camera traps, AI, and Ecology, 3rd International Worksho

    Towards Phytoplankton Parasite Detection Using Autoencoders

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    Phytoplankton parasites are largely understudied microbial components with a potentially significant ecological impact on phytoplankton bloom dynamics. To better understand their impact, we need improved detection methods to integrate phytoplankton parasite interactions in monitoring aquatic ecosystems. Automated imaging devices usually produce high amount of phytoplankton image data, while the occurrence of anomalous phytoplankton data is rare. Thus, we propose an unsupervised anomaly detection system based on the similarity of the original and autoencoder-reconstructed samples. With this approach, we were able to reach an overall F1 score of 0.75 in nine phytoplankton species, which could be further improved by species-specific fine-tuning. The proposed unsupervised approach was further compared with the supervised Faster R-CNN based object detector. With this supervised approach and the model trained on plankton species and anomalies, we were able to reach the highest F1 score of 0.86. However, the unsupervised approach is expected to be more universal as it can detect also unknown anomalies and it does not require any annotated anomalous data that may not be always available in sufficient quantities. Although other studies have dealt with plankton anomaly detection in terms of non-plankton particles, or air bubble detection, our paper is according to our best knowledge the first one which focuses on automated anomaly detection considering putative phytoplankton parasites or infections

    Towards Phytoplankton Parasite Detection Using Autoencoders

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    Phytoplankton parasites are largely understudied microbial components with a potentially significant ecological influence on phytoplankton bloom dynamics. To better understand the impact of phytoplankton parasites, improved detection methods are needed to integrate phytoplankton parasite interactions into monitoring of aquatic ecosystems. Automated imaging devices commonly produce vast amounts of phytoplankton image data, but the occurrence of anomalous phytoplankton data in such datasets is rare. Thus, we propose an unsupervised anomaly detection system based on the similarity between the original and autoencoder-reconstructed samples. With this approach, we were able to reach an overall F1 score of 0.75 in nine phytoplankton species, which could be further improved by species-specific fine-tuning. The proposed unsupervised approach was further compared with the supervised Faster R-CNN-based object detector. Using this supervised approach and the model trained on plankton species and anomalies, we were able to reach a highest F1 score of 0.86. However, the unsupervised approach is expected to be more universal as it can also detect unknown anomalies and it does not require any annotated anomalous data that may not always be available in sufficient quantities. Although other studies have dealt with plankton anomaly detection in terms of non-plankton particles or air bubble detection, our paper is, according to our best knowledge, the first that focuses on automated anomaly detection considering putative phytoplankton parasites or infections

    Tuberoosiskleroosi - suomalainen diagnoosi- ja seurantasuositus

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    •Tuberoosiskleroosia sairastavat potilaat tarvitsevat systemaattista, monen erikoisalan seurantaa läpi elämän. •Tavoitteena on haitallisten tai jopa hengenvaarallisten elinmuutosten varhainen toteaminen ja hoito. •Epilepsian tehokkaalla hoidolla ja kehityksen oikea-aikaisella tuella pyritään vaikuttamaan potilaiden kehitys¬ennusteeseen ja neuropsykiatristen häiriöiden esiintymiseen. •Tässä suosituksessa esitetään diagnosointi- ja seurantavaiheessa tarvittavat tutkimukset ja niiden toteutus, jossa hyödynnetään sekä erikoissairaanhoidon että perusterveydenhuollon palveluja.Peer reviewe